Guest Dock Amenities
Non-member vessel berthing may be arranged through Reciprocal Club agreements and introductions. Terms of free visitation are limited. Vessels must have confirmed approval from the Office Manager (for single vessels) or Cruise-In Committee Chair (for flotillas) prior to arrival at the Aeolian YC. The Port Captain will provide directions for berth assignments, depending on characteristics of the specific vessel or if other guest vessels will already be at the Aeolian.
Guest vessels remaining over 72 hours are subject to daily guest berthing fees (Schedule of Fees & Charges).
Aeolian YC offers the following services to visiting yachts:
- Potable water spigots.
- 30 amp connector 110 VAC shore power plugs (limited).
- Showers and heads ashore in the club house.
- Ice and vending machines.
- Game room access.
Reciprocity and Cruise-in Visitors will be provided key access to the gate and clubhouse, and may have a car onsite during their stay. Aeolian YC reminds visitors parking in the lot to secure their vehicle and belongings.
*Government agencies, to include marine patrol and survey boat crews, operating in the San Leandro Bay Channel and wishing to make a "head call" should contact the club management for access to our facilities. On-duty Alameda Police and Fire Department personnel are welcome to utilize our parking lot 24/7.