Saturday April 12: Ming-Perata Race Series & After- race BBQ
Open to all Aeolian Club Members
The series will be six (6) races with one throw out. Entry forms and sailing instructions are located on the sign-up board on the back porch at the club. All races are South Bay courses and the first warning gun will be at 1300. Completed entry forms must be received by 3/31/2014 at 1700. Late entries will be accepted, but don't delay in getting your completed entries in ASAP.
We encourage Members who are thinking about racing or would like to learn more about yacht racing and the social aspects around racing to contact the Regatta committee. A great way to get introduced is to help out on the committee boat. There you will see the race from start to finish and have a great day on the bay. There are usually opportunities for crewing on racing boats.
Race Schedule April 12, May 17, June 14, Junly 12, August 9, September 13 This series is governed by the 2009-2012 ISAF Racing Rules and the prescriptions of the USSA.
The series is open to Aeolian boats. The skipper must be an Aeolian Yacht Club member and boats must be non-spinnaker monohulls of 20 feet LOA or greater. Scoring will be by the low point system with one throw-out for the series. Prizes will be awarded based on the number of entries in the Regatta. The award ceremony for Club Champion and place awards will take place at the Change of Watch dinner in the Fall. Protests will be heard through mediation.
Join In! Enter Your Boat! Sign up on a Crew List! Have a Terrific Time! Questions? Contact a member of the Regatta Committee: Gary Barker 510.522.6646, Hank Lindemann 925.376.3290, Paul Turner 510.207.8632 USE THE CONVENIENT ONLINE RSVP FORM TO LET US KNOW IF YOU WILL ATTEND (RSVP form is for the after-race BBQ and is not for enrolling in the Race as a competitor)